The safety, health and well-being of our community is our focus during this time of uncertainty. We can all play an important role in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and limit the impact on local businesses.
There is no doubt the current health crisis has temporarily changed the way we do business, but our commitment to the continued prosperity of Stanly County citizens remains unchanged. We hope these resources will help business owners reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our community. Please reach out to our office if we can assist you.
This website is updated regularly, however, some resources may no longer be available.
Resources are listed newest to oldest.
(1/25/21) On Monday, January 25, 2021, Tori Pons of Localite Solutions, gave a presentation on PPP2, which is the second round of loans for small businesses. This presentation was provided by the Small Business Center of Stanly Community College and was sponsored by Stanly County Economic Development Commission, Stanly County Chamber of Commerce, and Albemarle Economic Development. Click on the link below for information on eligible and ineligible businesses, documentation requirements, loan forgiveness, and more.
(1/13/21) SBA offers several different relief options to help businesses, nonprofits, and faith-based organizations recover from the impacts of COVID-19. You can view all options or skip to a specific program below.
SBA is currently offering the following funding options:
(7/29/20) On July 1, 2020, Governor Roy Cooper signed into law House Bill 1023 to create the grant program (see section 4.2B of the bill). The JRG program utilizes the Coronavirus Relief Fund to provide economic relief to North Carolina businesses and nonprofits negatively impacted by the public health emergency. Click here to learn more about North Carolina’s Job Retention Grant (JRG).
To qualify to receive these grant funds, your organization must meet some specific eligibility requirements, which you can review here. We also encourage you to read carefully these instructions, which will help you gather the information and documentation you’ll need before you fill out the online application form.
(6/4/20) New resources available from the National Association of Manufacturers:
Manufacturing Industry COVID Shared Practices from our Manufacturing Leadership Council
NAM’s American Renewal Action Plan
Strengthening the Manufacturing Supply Chain Policy Recommendations
Strengthening and Protecting the Manufacturing Supply Chain (On-Shoring) Advocacy Campaign
NAM Resources Related to COVID
(5/21/20) Allows manufacturers, healthcare providers, businesses and government organizations the ability to register free of charge to be added to the database. Users can then search for matches filtered by industry, region and product.
(5/14/20) Guidance for manufacturing facilities and meat/poultry processing plants:
(5/6/20)The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has released information that will be useful for businesses as we go into Phase One of the reopening process. Click here to access these materials: https://www.ncdhhs.
The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program targets the self-employed and independent contractors who are not eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.
NC Department of Commerce – How to File an Attached Claim
US Chamber of Commerce – Guide to the Employee Retention Tax Credit
NC State University: Food Safety during COVID-19
NC Department of Commerce, Resources for Businesses
Truist Commits Relief for Small Businesses
Stanly County Health Department
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services